Do your current asset management systems make it difficult to understand the condition of your current assets?

And do you need a clearer understanding of future maintenance requirements for your investment and funding decisions?

Local Government asset management is a huge task for a Property Manager or Assets Manager. It goes beyond managing the condition of council assets; it’s also about how the community interacts with the assets, and ensuring that the facilities will support your services both now, and in the future.

At the same time, you need to identify which assets fall short of required standards; establish budgets for the required works over the next 10 to 20 years; and know how to prioritise the works effectively to deliver improvements in your portfolio. This involves generating clear and detailed reports to assist with your funding applications – and all your processes need to align with NAMS and LAPA guidelines.

Your solution: Local Government asset management software and services

Want to know more?

Contact us now to schedule a demo of our asset management solutions and get a FREE one-hour consultation

Benefits of SPM Assets’ Local Government asset management solutions:

Easy property assessments

Property condition surveys and assessments are easy and quick to perform, making your team more productive and efficient.

Centralised & mobile-enabled data

Your whole team will have all the information they need at their fingertips for effective decision making and reporting.

Easy to use planning tools

Minimal training is required to use the range of sophisticated asset planning tools for council asset management.

Maintenance plans & works programmes

SPM Assets software will allow you to generate maintenance plans and works programmes as far into the future as you wish.

Manage your budget with confidence

Not only will you be able to fund the right project at the right time, but you’ll have the confidence knowing that you’re following the right approach in your public sector asset management.

Keep assets operational for longer

The planning and maintenance software will enable you to keep assets functional and relevant for the longest possible period.

Asset management case studies

These asset management case studies highlight how we work with our customers to benefit them:

Tasman District Council
Tasman District Council

Tasman District Council is a unique unitary authority that combines the responsibilities of a city and regional council. It oversees a diverse and ecologically significant region in New Zealand. This district encompasses over 9,000 kilometres of rivers and streams, a coastline spanning 817 kilometres, and two pristine alpine lakes.

“Every time I’ve used SPM, it’s been great for my career ”
“Every time I’ve used SPM, it’s been great for my career ”

Having successfully used SPM Assets software in two previous roles, Rob Ashely chose to use it again when joining Wellington City Council as their Asset Planning Manager. Discover how SPM Assets has made his job easier for the third time.

Cumberland Council
Cumberland Council

Cumberland Council realised that 90% of works being reactive plus paper-based data collection were holding it back. A planned approach has been implemented in workable stages.

Hastings District Council
Hastings District Council

Hastings District Council’s long-term planning was hindered because data was stored in spreadsheets that could only be accessed by key staff. These problems were solved virtually overnight.

Wellington City Council
Wellington City Council

SPM Assets’ work with Wellington City Council will allow for evidence-based decision making and better portfolio management for future generations via improved management of whole-of-life costs.

Auckland City Council
Auckland City Council

The formation of Australasia’s largest local government body required the alignment, integration and migration of complex legacy databases covering a diverse range of assets valued at over $1.8bn.

Want to know more?