Commercial asset managers: Do your current asset management systems make it difficult to understand the condition of your current corporate assets?

Do you need a clearer understanding of future commercial building maintenance requirements for your investment and funding decisions?

Corporate asset management planning is a balancing act between scheduled maintenance to provide employees with a safe and comfortable working environment, and preventative maintenance to maintain the value of your building assets. This is happening in an environment where technological needs and working patterns are evolving rapidly, and enhanced security measures are needed to keep people, data, plant, and infrastructure safe. And at the same time, governance and reporting requirements are becoming ever more rigorous to ensure monies are well spent, with benchmarks to observe locally from FMANZ, and globally from CoreNet. ISO 55000 brings many business benefits to commercial asset management, but implementing the discipline that’s needed for this standard approach to corporate asset management can seem a challenge in itself. Commercial building management is more complex than it’s ever been before.

Your solution: Commercial and corporate asset management software and services

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Contact us now to schedule a demo of our asset management solutions and get a FREE one-hour consultation

Benefits of SPM Assets’ commercial and corporate asset management solutions:

Easy building assessments

Property condition surveys and assessments are easy and quick to perform, making your team more productive and efficient.

Centralised & mobile-enabled data

Your whole team will have all the information they need at their fingertips for effective decision making and reporting.

Easy to use planning tools

Minimal training is required to use the range of sophisticated asset planning tools for council asset management.

Maintenance plans & works programmes

SPM Assets software will allow you to generate maintenance plans and works programmes as far into the future as you wish.

Manage your budget with confidence

Not only will you be able to fund the right project at the right time, but you’ll have the confidence knowing that you’re following the right approach in your public sector asset management.

Keep assets operational for longer

The planning and maintenance software will enable you to keep assets functional and relevant for the longest possible period.

Asset management case studies

These asset management case studies highlight how we work with our customers to benefit them:

Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation
Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation

Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation (NTHC) is the investment arm of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and has a diverse investment portfolio including interests in farming, property, seafood, and tourism. As at 30-Jun-23, NTHC had total assets of approximately $2.1b.

Bank of New Zealand
Bank of New Zealand

SPM Assets software was integrated with BNZ’s operational and tactical in-house real estate system to provide strategic reporting and forecasting functionality.

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