Case Study

Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation
Ngāi Tahu Holdings Corporation (NTHC) is the investment arm of Te Rūnanga o Ngāi Tahu and has a diverse investment portfolio including interests in farming, property, seafood, and tourism. As at 30-Jun-23, NTHC had total assets of approximately $2.1b.

Flinders Christian Community College
"Having a strong support team helped us make our decision," says Flinders Property Manager Kell Jackson. "The SPM Assets team were able to adjust large quantities of data, set up fields and naming conventions and speed up many aspects of the surveying process. We compared a range of high-end commercial solutions to asset management, surveying and building tracking, and discovered that SPM Assets had a cost-effective solution for an educational setting."

BGIS Case Studies - BAE and JORN
BGIS has partnered with SPM Assets to provide lifecycle intelligence to its facilities management clients across Australia and New Zealand. Two of these BGIS clients are JORN (Jindalee Operational Radar Network) and BAE Systems.

Mangere Refugee Resettlement Centre
The Ministry of Business Innovation and Employment sought to adopt a Building Information Modelling (BIM) process for the selection of materials, designs, and construction partners.

NZ Historic Places Trust
The unique nature of the NZ Historic Places Trust meant an increased emphasis on capturing specific characteristics of its heritage buildings, to improve long-term management and maintenance.