
The importance of managing property assets as a valuable wealth source

Property, in its various forms, has long been considered one of the most tangible and enduring forms of wealth. Beyond its monetary value, property often holds the key to our livelihoods, our businesses, and even our communities. However, the true wealth embodied in property extends far beyond its market price. It lies in the potential for prosperity, growth, and well-being that these assets can provide, not just for today, but for generations to come.

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Stay up to date with what's happening at SPM Assets with industry articles, thoughts and press releases


What are Levels of Service, and why are they important?

Levels of Service are a fundamental building block of asset management planning. Here’s how to get started with them.


Calculating the ROI of Your Asset Management Solution

Investing in an asset management solution is about forward planning, but how can you measure your ROI? SPM Assets can help. Read more about it here.

New Integration Partner - BOOMPower

Do you understand how your property portfolio currently uses energy? Utilise the integration between SPM Assets and BOOM to discover this and more.

Reactive and planned maintenance - getting the balance right

Managing reactive and planned maintenance is a juggling act. How do you get it right? How do you become more proactive?

3 real life asset management challenges - and how to address them

Here are some of the most frequently encountered asset management challenges – with effective, practical solutions.

From Housing Challenge to Housing Crisis

Social housing across Australia and New Zealand are facing significant challenges both in the short and long term.


IPWEA - International Gold Standard in Asset Management

This article by IPWEA highlights the need for finance managers to understand all aspects of asset management.

Asset management planning for Community Housing Providers

SPM's eight step plan to effective asset management planning allows Community Housing Providers to maintain and fund upgrades of housing assets

What are the on-going building lifecycle costs of a new building?

Here’s a rule-of-thumb guide for on-going building lifecycle costs for new buildings, including operational & maintenance costs.

QR Codes used to provide property information to maintenance teams

Tāmaki Regeneration is taking an innovative approach, using QR codes to ensure their maintenance teams can access important property information.

SPM Assets Mobile Release - September 2020

The latest release of the SPM Assets Mobile product is now available, benefits include improved navigation and additional filtering functionality.